Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My Current Issue

Ok.... my current issue is this....where and how to buy my groceries! I had been doing my food shopping at Sam's Club & I LOVE it. BUT...it's an hour away, and a HUGE inconvenience to get there...even doing "click & pull", and since they don't have everything I need, I'm still forced to go to Walmart through each week. I feel like I don't have any "control" or organization in the food department as of late. I think a lot has to do with Ashley starting to prepare a lot of foods and meals...so she may use something that I had bought for another reason, and then we end up with random things in the pantry! My pantry is big and has lots of shelves, it's not beautiful, but very functional...so I have room, that's not the issue.
So, what am I going to do? Today I organized & cleaned the pantry...put like things in labeled bins...that was fun! I am even having a bin for ingredients that are "saved" for something I want to make. I have a bin for "lunch extras", "snacks", & much more! I am thrilled! But, as thrilled as I am with the pantry, I still have to keep it full....which means food shopping. Where shall I go? What type of plan will I have? How much should I budget a week? (I have never had a food budget, but think I want to) Should I menu plan? I have some different ideas floating around my head....this issue has been a thorn in my side for 13 years! What do you do?? PLEASE help me! LOL


  1. Lady Rose,
    if you read this please know that I have been reading your blog & try to leave a comment, but my computer won't let me! I am still having some issues with this computer since the storm...praying and thinking of you, friend.

  2. I don't do menu planning just because I love being creative.

    My husband goes to the farmers market once a week and get produce for the week, meat for 2 meal (that include enough for unexpected guests that we often have here) once every 2 months or 3 or sometime 4 we buy things like pasta, rice, beans, lentils etc.. in bulk if on special I seen myself not having to go to the grocery store for about 6 months at the time!!!

    Know what is in your pantry, make a list of recipes that you can make without a trip to the store.. then give yourself a small budget something crazy like 30$ and make a list of what you need and don't go over budget.. payt cash only... don't shop hungry.... and don't pay for fancy pretty packaging, I guess those are my tips

    Ps the book "more for less" recipe book is great!!!

  3. Hi Kim,

    I plan a menu each week. It's flexible, for the rare occasion we may go out unexpectedly, (like last weekend we were out enjoying the weather at a park so late, I wouldn't have time to cook, so we went out..the first time in a month or so), have friends over, etc. I make a list of monthly items that we need, and I buy that at Costco (like Sam's). Each week I go to the store for fresh items like fruits, vegetables, milk, and things we run out of weekly.

    My weekly grocery list goes in sections according to the store. I keep a list going to list out what we are low on in the pantry or fridge..so when it's Costco or grocery time, I am ready. I shop at Winco-it's a large store that has great meats and produce, GREAT prices, and you pack your own groceries. I am, however, considering not shopping at Costco anymore, since part of the draw are all their "cool things"-neat foods, prepared items, and things for the home. Since I purchase none of those, and the prices have gone up, it hardly seems worth it.

    I stick to my list and purchase NOTHING that wasn't on it before. We only use cash for our purchases, reserving a debit card for only budgeted items that need a card-like online, the rare travel, etc. This way, we never spend too much money. I know my prices so well, that I can generally guess what the grocery bill will be before I get there. My budget is the same each week, but increases a tiny bit over time, as prices increase.

    Anyway, that's what I do, and what works for us. I plan breakfast, lunch, dinner, desserts and snacks, and then end up making different things occasionally...but I am quite creative, and tend to make full meals from scratch, so grocery shopping is a must for my creativity!

    Let me know what you end up with for your family! God Bless!

  4. This is a weak area for me. Even with my large family planning is a must but doesn't happen the way it should. It does help for us that we eat extremely simply and cheap. For the most part during the harvest weather we typically only shop for fresh produce. It is a great compliment to the abundance of grains and beans we consume. In a word, my menu could be considered BORING to most. But it works and I don't get too many complaints!! Good luck getting things on track, with a large family like yours it is a good habit to have.

  5. Hi Kim! I came your way through Renee Stam's blog. I have been married for two years, and I'm still figuring out the whole meal thing. I make a menu plan every weekend for the following week, but I would like to have a larger cache of familiar recipes to choose from, rather than the same old same old or spending too much time looking for something new. It's a challenge!
