Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My Flesh

My flesh is so strong and my faith so weak at times....sometimes I still get selfish and bitter....mostly when sleep is involved! Here's how it all played out...Sat. night, around 3:30 my 3yr old woke me up by poking me and telling me the monster in his room "made-ed" him sick....I thought he was being a silly 3 yr old & I put him back to bed. An hour later he woke up and was suffering from his asthma and had a high fever! 3 more kids woke up sick with fever and headaches. The day was long...Rob & I didn't feel well either. That night (Sunday) was awful! I was up 2 times with Savannah....2 times with Kate, 1 time with Ty, and about a hundred times with Colton, and up with the dog. Not to mention all the times I just checked on them all. I am their mom...this is my God given job. At this point I was starting to get REALLY tired and REALLY grumpy....especially at that big guy snoring next to me! Was any of this my husbands fault? No! Was it his fault he didn't hear any of this "action" through the night? No! Could I have simply woken him up to ask for some help? Yes! He would have done so gladly. But instead....I fed my flesh. I got mad, and selfish, and greedy....God got a hold of me though :0) He is faithful! As I laid there (everyone settled in for the night at about 4:00 am, and I get up for the day at 4:30 am!) I looked at the love of my life and God helped my heart soften to my situation...and I was no longer angry....tired, yes....angry, no! I realized I love that my kids want ME when they are sick...my heart would be twice as broken and hurt if they wanted anyone else! I am blessed to be young and able to go with little sleep. It took all of that just to see what God was showing me....
My kids are all better now...and we are all caught up on our sleep! Life is normal again :0)


  1. Ah, yes..I can certainly relate!

    Our baby, Oliver, just turned 10 months, and is really a craptastic sleeper. He's the first child I've had that has not slept well by 4 or so months. For 10 months, the only time I've slept all night has been 2 times. One, when we spent the night away for our anniversary in February, and the other one about 2 weeks ago, when he mysteriously slept through the night..of course, he was up at the crack of dawn, and I did wake about 3 and wonder if something was wrong with him and had to check!

    It's hard to function on little sleep, and EASY to let our frustrations get us at that point..ah, the flesh..daily battle.

    I pray all is well now..you know, in that realistic mama way!

    God bless you and love you much!

  2. So true for me too. Isn't it nice when God just calms the flame inside us. When he gives us a look at the bigger picture. Great post.
