Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cool Food Finds!

I went to Walmart last night for a few things and come across some new items...well, new to me :0) I got marinated skinless boneless chicken breasts and they are only 2 points each! I never buy chicken breasts, so this is exciting! I will eat them for lunch! the other thing was snack size york peppermint patties, these are only one point each and are to DIE FOR right out of the freezer! I was really happy with these things :0)

As far as today goes...we are on our way with school, the kids are all on "schedule", so I am happy! We are having company for dinner tonight, so I have that to get ready for. I am really trying to go at this whole life thing in a more relaxed way, maybe that will help me get a cycle! Who knows. God would want me to be more relaxed anyways...right! I feel like I have PMS...but nothing happens. I guess I am recording all of this to keep track as there were times in our adoption journey that I thought things were never going to happen, or upset because we had to wait or there was a roadblock....but His timing is PERFECT...in the long run, all the struggles we went through came out to be that He was waiting until the prefect time where we could adopt ALL 5 KIDS at ONE time! that is beyond my wildest dreams! So, I'm sure this will all come out ok,and I am looking forward to seeing what we are waiting for! this is a record so when it all happens I can look back and see the progress and the "why's" will all be answered in His perfect timing! God is so good!

1 comment:

  1. so glad to see you back! I think trying to relax is the right direction. rest in the lord for he is good and his mercy endures forever! we'll pray this thing through! love ya sis
