Friday, October 22, 2010

Dr. appt

I went to the Dr. a week ago to try to figure out why I don't get regular cycles and why it was so painful when I did and WHY can't I get pregnant! Well, the visit was SO encouraging! He told me I WAS NOT too fat to get pregnant! YEAH!!! and that I AM NOT too old to get pregnant!! YEAH!! I have a uterine infection from the surgery and that my body is still adjusting to things from the surgery. I had a woman's exam that was LONG overdue, I had not had one in 8 years! That came back normal....I think after having this information, it has helped me leave this issue at the foot of the cross.....just where it belongs! Since that day, I have not had many thoughts about "trying" to get pregnant. It will or will not happen according to God's will. just as it should be. I try ti get my nose in there and control things that I have NO business trying to control...that's God's job....not mine! So, I'm feeling more relaxed, enjoying my time with hubby instead of having a mission....LOL...I guess I am at peace with this whole thing! God is good...always!


  1. This is all such great news!!

  2. Thanks Moxie! You have been on my heart lately...I'll shoot you an email later :0)
