Tuesday, April 19, 2011


The end of school is upon us, and we are thankful :0) We love school, but this has been a crazy year! We have adopted 5 kids and did the first half of the school year with an online charter school, coming home for the second half of the school year. we enjoyed each of these things, but there was more change in this year than we are used to! LOL
At the end of each school year my state requires that every student from 3rd grade and up have an evaluation done and have a portfolio made. This is quite and undertaking and takes a bit of time. For those of you who may not know what a home school portfolio is let me explain :0) Pa state law required a portfolio containing samples of the childs work throughout the year, and other documents that are required; like a log and booklists.
I thought I would share how I put mine together :0) I have only 3 students who are required to have a portfolio made..5th grade and (2) 3rd graders. Here is a list of what I include in mine.
Math~ we use Teaching Textbooks, so I just print off and include their grade sheet..as well as 5 extras, like math worksheets or games.

English~ 8 writing samples that very in length and topic
5 grammar sheets
8 spelling tests

History~ 12-18 pages of notes

Science~ 12-18 pages of notes

Art, Music, Gym...~ I just do a simple write up on what we covered in each and include some samples of art.

Field Trip list and write up of each one

Geography~ I include maps and a write up of what ws covered.

Pa History~ I include any worksheets or essays

Civics~ write up

Safety & Health~ about 5 samples and write up

I also include as many pictures as I can...the pictures range from school things to the kids being silly. I always make sure I take lots of pictures throughout the school year! I make these up scrapbook style, so they are special.

I include my list of objectives and affadavids...and any other necessary paperwork

I include any lapbooks or other large assignments that would be interesting and show what we were covering, many subjects can be covered at one time using this style of learning!

I have created a checklist that I use to keep on track throughout the school year. I just simply know what my evaluator wants to have and through the year I keep those things in mind. As I come across a great paper to include in the portfolio I simply slip it into a folder marked portfolio and the childs name...then I immediately go to my own folder and put a checkmark next to the item that was put away. this way I always know what I have and what is still needed. I find this way to be MUCH more organized and simple than ways I did before! One year I threw all the papers into a box and had to sort through each and every paper at the end of the school year to make a portfolio! It took FOREVER and I was STRESSED to the max! this way there is little to no stress at all!! When the end of the year comes along, I just grab my folder, a binder, and page protectors...and within a few hours I am done! I know moms who stay up late and get very worked up when this time of year rolls around as they have not kept track of their days (log)...have no booklist, or papers! EEK! At the end of the year I am also ready for the next school year...I will also hand in all papers necessary for next year so we are going to be all set...books bought & plan made! Summer is for summer... not mom at the computer trying to plan next school year...I want to be in the garden and pool with my kids :0)

*** Spell check wouldn't work...be sweet...forgive any errors you may find! Thanks :0)


  1. Hi Kim,
    I came across your blog this morning. What a blessing we are in the middle of the samething. I have 5 portfolios to get together. I've been stressing a bit but thanks for posting and giving me some ideas. I hope you and your family have a great day.
    Cristal in Fl

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Cristal! Portfolios are such a big job...but I try to look at them as keepsakes for my kids and that motivates me :0)
    i'll be by your blog for a visit later!

  3. Yikes! What a job. I think I would drown! In WI we have none of that. I seriously wonder how I would be able to keep up for all my kids. That is amazing.

  4. Great job! Yeah, we are a homeschool free state..meaning we don't have to prove anything to anyone..

    I'm so glad you have done so well at doing this!

    We, too, take the Summer completely off. One of those "throwback" things I like to do to keep kids kids...it refreshes us, and let's them spend the Summer playing, reading, earning money from working jobs, etc. Let em' be kids!

    God Bless!

  5. Wow! I didn't know that was required! Keep up the good work!
