Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Random Facts

I thought it would be kind of fun to get to know you all a bit better and share a few things about myself as well :0)
Random Facts About Me
1. I have blond hair and green eyes

2. I have 7 children

3. I believe in Jesus!

4. I hardly ever go to bed without my cheeks hurting from laughing so hard at my super funny husband!

5. I am plump, and don't care nearly as much as I should about that.

6. I love to ride around with my family and look for deer...we do this almost every night.

7. A goal of mine is to join actively in the fight against abortion

8. I REALLY want to adopt more kids through the foster care system

9. My favorite season is fall...or maybe winter.

10. I'm not sure if I'm going to can anything this year...gasp!

These are just random facts about me...please share about yourselves :0) Have a blessed day in the Lord!


  1. How fun, I like this random post :-)
    I love fall and spring, summer is too warm and winter is too cold LOL I'm hard to please hehe!

  2. Thanks for sharing. The glimpse has been a fun peek into your life.

  3. I love it! Those are some great insights into who you are!

    Here are a few about me:

    1) I also have blond hair and green eyes, though my blond is nearly brown in the past few years.

    2) My favorite season is all of them..though, I love Summer here much more than I used to love Summer, as it doesn't get awfully hot, no humidity, and it isn't hot for very long.

    3) We have 6 children and another on the way.

    4) We have a weiner dawg named Missy..she sleeps with my 8 year old son each night..even in the warm months, she's under all the covers at his feet. They are known burrowers!

    5) We also have 2 cats, Tiger and Buddy.

    6) If I could cook all day, I would. I enjoy baking as well..but cooking..cooking!

    7) I am planning my first whole veggie garden this year. I generally grow a few things in pots, but we had to wait until all the "bones" were put in the yard to have a real one..

    8) I don't know how to can! I am going to learn this Summer!

    9) My husband and I ditched our wedding plans and went to Reno to get married.

    10) My husband and I have never had a honeymoon or a fancy wedding, and we STILL love each other just as much! I adore my husband and I'm in love with him more than the day we married.

    Fun post! Love ya Kim!

  4. Kim,

    It was fun getting to know a little bit more about you.

    I had to LOL on #4. My husband is pretty entertaining as well, and when he makes me laugh, oh boy - hurting cheeks big time! :)

    Autumn is my favorite season as well. I don't care for winter, ugh!

    We have cats too . . . four of them. I guess you can say we have a "little zoo" in Suburbia Land, ha!

    Well, my hubby is currently pacing back and forth, from this room to the other, which is the signal that I need to get off of the computer and see what he wants. :)


    -L. Rose
