Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Spring Cleaning

I am starting my Spring cleaning! I am not sure that it should be called spring cleaning or it will take me until the beginning of summer to finish every room in my house! gets in the way, huh? :) I am going to try to do one room a week...I know this does not sound like much...but for me, it is! LOL...I still have to be mom, teacher, wife, foster parent, and I am already busy! My plan is to go through EVERYTHING in each room....get rid of unwanted or broken items and deep clean. I am also hoping to make any repairs or decorating changes during this time too. I have not done this since we moved here 9 years ago! I have cleaned each room, but not all at one time like it will be nice at the end to have an entire house clean and organized! YEAH! We shall see how it goes. I hope I don't tucker out and
Have a blessed day!

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