Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Laundry Game!

We actually have fun folding laundry! Yep, you heard that! Here's how you play the "Laundry Game"....have all your kids sit in spots around the living room...turn on some fun music...and mommy stands by the "pile"....reach in, pull out a piece of wash and toss it to the person it belongs to :) They fold their own wash and put it away! It's great fun!! They LOVE to catch their wash as it flies through the air...giggles are abundant on laundry folding days! Give it a's's productive...teaches team work....and it's great family fun!

1 comment:

  1. Uh, I'm tired just thinking about it!! My second washer took a dive a couple months ago and living on only one has been torture. I can't seem to adjust myself to the loss!! Let alone think about folding and putting away. :) All of our clothes are in the laundry room so there isn't much sorting to do. For the girls, they all have the same bin for skirts, bottoms, and separate bins for shirts. They are capable of digging out their own clothes so I don't normally require sorting them. But having mostly girls is what works. Our boys are the same way. Pants in one bin, shirts in another!
