Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I'm Calmed Down Now :0)

I think I have calmed myself down from the upset I was having about homeschool yesterday. I hate it when I get feeling like that, and it usually comes when I start comparing myself to other moms! This is not a healthy or wise thing to do! I "think" ...at least for now... I am going to try to stick with this school for as long as we can make it work. There are many things about this school that I like and many that I do not. BUT....the actual "school" part is just that...school. I really want to focus more on the training of my children and being with them. This school does not require much of ME...so I am free to do more with THEM. This I like :0) I am going to try to pick apart the lessons more and add what I can. I did find a similar program that is NOT a "school"...it is traditional homeschool, but it's an online curriculum that you buy. I could school them for about $400 a year. That's not too bad for 7 kids...I might look into this later on, if I feel led to do so. I would have much more wiggle room...which could be good...or bad! Ha! I am so wishy washy! I know myself so well, and I am too soft...anyways...this is the choice for now :0) I really want to try to make the best of what we are doing....we shall see! Wish me luck!

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