Friday, February 11, 2011

Half Way Point

We are at the half way point of school and I feel so mixed up! We are using an online charter school and I think I like it. But am not really at peace with it either! My mind has became so consumed with this leave the charter school and go back to what I know...traditional homeschooling?? What I did was make a list of all the things that were bothering me, then I wrote those same things down again...but this time with a possible solution while staying at the school online. I wanted Friday's free to group teach my kids, as that was how I used to school I had to have them all double up on lessons through the week to have this day free. Next week will be our first full week with the changes I have made. We shall see how it goes! It still seems like a bit much to me. It helped my heart to look at the pictures I have taken over the course of this year and it appears to be good...they look happy! head is such a mess! Please pray for me! Bottom line is I want more TIME with my kids....LIVING....DOING of the major issues I have is that I am not a good planner, this school is all planned and laid out...and my time is not spent planning...which makes hubby happy. There are more things...but my time on the computer is up :)


  1. I like these pictures :-) all those hard working little one :-)

  2. Sounds like you have some great plans. I hope all works well for you and your sweet family.

  3. I just found your blog via Pursuing the Old Paths.

    I'm a homeschooler, too. :) We have six kids, four who are old enough to be "in school".

    I know it's always a challenge to figure out the direction to take with homeschooling! There are so many options, which can just be overwhelming.

    A couple of years ago, I finally settled on what works for us, and it's a great feeling. After several years of dabbling around with what many raved about, I learned that my style of homeschooling is not the same as another mom's, and vice versa. For as many mom's are out there teaching, there are different needs!

    Anyway, I'll pray that you find some clarity and settle in..I get the wanting more time to just be with the kids!

    God Bless!

  4. From the perspective of another mom with 7, we enjoy homeschooling most when I am relaxed and not stressed. If I am trying to do too much, no one is happy.

    Consider what is absolutely most important in your mind (not the government's!) to teach your children and eliminate everything else for now.

    Lots of book reading (especially you reading a loud to them) gives your kids a love for learning - and then you're giving them the ability to want to learn more! Hang in there!!!

  5. Thanks Gwen! Great advice...I was raised going to public school and sometimes I get "confused" in my thinking of what school should be!
