Friday, October 29, 2010

God's Protection and His Plans!

This month has been really eye opening! We have been able to see so many of the "why's" answered! You know those times of pain...where you wonder how God is going to get you through, why God allowed this into your life, what good will come from it?? Well, we have seen some answers this month and last month. My WONDERFUL sister told me a story today about a little boy we were planing to adopt a few years ago. Long ended up that the county he was from took him from us, very suddenly, one day. That day his social worker called myself, my case worker and his supervisor (I then worked for a private agency)...this boy's social worker would not tell me what this "meeting" was about, I wanted my husband to take the day off work and come, but the social worker said it was not necessary. while I was there, this "man" ripped me apart and told me he had read the Bible and that that was not the way to raise a child, and if I didn't agree to change my ways then they were taking him from us. I wouldn't back down. I stood firm in my beliefs and we lost Robbie. It was awful. The social workers had to come to my home and literally tear him out of my arms. My husband cried. This little boy was moved from home to home after that and is now settled and happy. But, now I know (my sister knows, and told me) that this little boy had done some disturbing things to a woman in one of his foster homes. God protected my daughters from harm. All the heartache we went through....years of this sorrow...was to save my daughter innocence. God is always good. Another thing we got to see.... We went through some very tough times with our boys we are going to adopt, we thought it was taking too long...God was telling us to WAIT...their other brother and sister (they don't live here) needed to be moved from the home that was going to adopt them. We see that all the heartache was for a good reason. Another reason is that we were to wait until God said it was time...and we got to adopt all 5 at one time...this is unheard of! God is always good. And yet another thing came to light. The girls we are adopting have an older sister, we were planing to adopt her, but things didn't work out. She was really mean to us...we tried to work it out, but felt God was telling us "no". A month later we got a call that in her foster home (the same one she lived at before she lived here) she molested a boy the same age as my oldest (special needs) son. God protected my sons. God is good always. And today, I was talking to a social worker, and she mentioned to me to think about 3 boys that may need to be adopted, they will know in March what's going on. We are praying for God to tell us what to do. We know how hard it is to foster kids (we've done it for 8 yrs), we know how heart wrenching it is to adopt kids through the "system" and what's happened to them. It's harder than I can express. That would bring our numbers up to 10 kids! And I just got my tubes we are praying for more biological kids too. This seems unreasonable to me...but does it to God? God is good always. And the last thing I will mention is this. I have "came across" a family that will benefit from my testimony...and my husbands testimony...which is another LONG story....but The Lord has delivered us from a slimy pit of was BAD...and we will get to use our testimony to bless someone and let them know they are not alone, that God loves them, and there is no shame, only grace and forgiveness in God's love! We are going to be able to prove that marriages can be restored no matter how "bad" things get! WOW! God is good always. And the most impressive thing is we are SO TOTALLY unworthy of any of this! God is working in spite of my wicked and sinful nature! All of this literally fell into our laps...all the kids to adopt came to us within the first year and a half of foster care with this agency...people have gone through years and years or waiting and trying to adopt in this county...and we got 5! These people to share our lives with...fell into our life,,,it's amazing to reflect.


  1. Wow. God is so good.
    Not many people know this, but I was molested by teenagers as a child. I'm so glad your children didnt have to go through that. I think that is part of the reason I have some of the issues I have today.

  2. I'm sorry to hear that... I did not know that about you. I would love to talk to you sometime about how you did cope with that. We are suspecting one of our girls we are going to adopt may have been through that as well. It's so sad :0( Thanks for sharing that with me. I love ya!
