Friday, October 29, 2010

What's Important?

A dear friend of mine lost her Grandma yesterday, it was sudden, they are all shocked. This, along with a few other things that have happened as of late, leave me pondering....What is really important in life? What will my friends family remember in the years to come about their loved one? Will they think about how clean her house was? How fat or thin she was? What her clothes looked like? How fancy the meals were that she cooked? NO....not at all...I'd guess that in the years to come...the great grand kids won't remember any of those details about her, but they will hear all the stories about "her"....her character, her personality, her hospitality, her work ethic, her kindness. That leaves me looking at myself. How much weight do I put on the things that don't matter? How much time do I WASTE in a day, but fretting over silly little things? How do I make my family feel when I am being that way? How does my family feel when I am "too tired" to do this or I REALLY, or am I just being selfish? Any one of us could get the call that a loved one has passed, a parent, a child, sister....what would we think about? Would we have regrets of not spending TIME with them? What takes up our TIME? The Bible tells us that life is but a vapor....why do we waste so much of this valuable resource? It is time for some change in my life. This has rocked my world! Not that I knew my friends grandma very well. We have had her for Easter last year, and spent other times visiting with her, but I think about this...what will my kids remember about me? That mom is always telling them to wipe their feet, don't get crumbs on the floor, that I hate the mess play dough and paint make, don't dump the sand out of your boots on the clean floor, go play because I'm busy...the list could go on. That is NOT what I desire for my kids to remember about me. If they are to ever have the memories of a caring, gentle, and truly forgiving momma, then things need to change. I will say, I don't sit around barking at my kids...we do fun things together, I'm not saying that I'm an awful and mean mom or anything, but will I be able to stand before the Lord one day and hear "well done, good and faithful servant"? Hmmm??

1 comment:

  1. Really thought provoking post!!! I feel this with my daughter who is now almost 16! I see the clock ticking down FAST and hard that she will leave the nest before I blink!
