Monday, January 3, 2011

Pre-teen Heartcheck....Just For Her??

We are having to deal with some heart issues with our oldest daughter...she is almost 11. It's different now....when she was small we had to deal with small issues like naps, and getting along with brothers and sisters...but she was SO good! She's good now...obedient, but we are seeing some heart issues that need to be dealt with. It is a whole new world dealing with older kids! Their issues are so "real" and what you SAY and DO really matters. Don't get me wrong, it all matters to all kids....but she is really watching me to see how I deal with things and what I say and do in reaction to certain things. Is what I am seeing a reflection of myself...what I have taught her by MY example? I think so. There is much to be done in the way of shepording this child's I up for it? No. I'm so thankful that I have a God who never fails me, I am so thankful to have my own Bible to read and learn from, I am so thankful for good christian ladies who will guide me, I am so thankful for children to long as I am willing and open to the Lord teaching me first! I pray that I will get to spend much time with my oldest daughter and teach her heart in the ways that the Lord is teaching my heart. I am bursting with joy that this daughter is a saved person, so she will be more receptive to God's prompting and conviction! I am looking forward to this day :0)

1 comment:

  1. My little are still young, but this post does get me thinking :-)
