Monday, March 21, 2011


I have been really not doing very well with my menu plans as of this tells me I must go back to writing them brain is kinda fuzzy and not so creative right now...this was the best I could "come up with"! LOL

Breakfasts: cereal
fried eggs & toast
cereal or baked oatmeal
french toast & apples
dippy eggs & toast

Lunches: meat sandwich, applesauce & chips
toasted cheese & tomato soup w/ crackers
pb & j, fruit & crackers
spaghetti & garlic bread
some kind of sandwich, fruit & crackers

snacks: cookies (twice)
graham crackers
pb toast

Dinners: Shepard's pie & fruit
grilled hot dogs & hamburgers w/ fried potatoes
homemade pizza w/ veggies
homemade mac & cheese, biscuits, veggies
casserole, homemade bread, applesauce

Dessert: whoopie pies
mock apple pie

I need to organize my favorite meals and get some new and fresh ideas...any good ones??


  1. Kim,

    Your menu looks fine to me.

    Menu planning happens to be my most challenging domestic task. Since I am not a "pro" in making things from scratch, this can sometimes make being creative a problem. I just do the best with my limitations.


  2. I think your menu looks great. I really dislike menu planning. A month or so ago I sat down with a microsoft layout and made up 2 months worth of breakfast meals and dinner meals. From that we choose from for the week. It has been so helpful and we have over 60 different meals to choose from.

  3. Looks great, Kim! *Ring ring* "What's that sound?" Um, that's me at your door..wanting something to eat. :D

    God Bless!
