Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Simple Things

It was time for me to buy new clothes....yuck! This is not my favorite thing to do...AT...ALL! I am not a "thin" woman....I'm not rolly-polly either....just "plump"...I am also particular about how things fit and how they look...not meaning trendy style, but modesty. We have a few rules about clothes here in our family...no shoulders, no knees, and nothing tight. Trying to find clothes in today's world is not so easy! I can't stand it when my pants gap at the waist or when they fall down when I bend or squat...ARGG! I am always very prayerful about where God wants me to be as far as dress is concerned...and I do not feel led to wear only skirts...there...I said it. Each and every one of us needs to do what we feel the Lord is telling us to do, and that's what I feel. Either way, we are to be modest and feminine in our appearance.
Little man had another Dr. apt last night and he still is very sick (pneumonia)...we had to go to Walmart and wait for 2 more meds...while we were waiting I had time to do a bit of shopping. I tried on about 700 pairs of pants and finally found two that I liked :0) It sometimes takes me months to find pants I like, so I was happy...then I found 6 shirts that were modest and feminine. I also bought 2 pair of shoes that were cute and servicable. This may sound like a shopping spree...but I had already been to our thrift shop and found nothing. I only spent about $100...so it was OK.
My title of this post was "Simple Things"....what I mean by that is this.... no matter what you wear (pants/skirts) you can be feminine and pretty...weather you are large or small, it can be done. Yes, I would LOVE to be thinner and healthier...we are always working on this...but right now I am not. So, just by wearing pretty colors, cute but functionable shoes (meaning for me, cute sneakers..lol...)and doing a little something different with your heair each day ( just small variations make you feel better, I think) makes you appear and feel more feminine. We are women and it's a gift. I want to teach my daughters to love pretty things and embrace who they are. Sometimes I see young girls who want to act like boys. This bothers me. Yes, my girls and myeslf ride fourwheelers and camp and garden and cut fire wood...we have poopy boots and take care of animal chores...just like the boys do...but we need to try to have a feminine "way" about us while we do these things. We have cute work gloves, I teach them to sit like a lady...yup, we can sit on a tree stump or fallen log with the best of 'em....but they will keep their legs closed while doing so! They catch bugs and frogs...but they "act" like ladies while doing it. Where did it come to be that being girly was bad? My oldest daughter had a very hard time embracing her girly-ness...she hated being a girl...and at times still does. It wasn't until recently she understood all the teaching she was being given...she was playing with a boy and he kept roughing her up and she hated it! She told him to stop and that she was a girl and to not hit her! LOL...she loves American Girl dolls, tea parties, and being pretty. I'm not talking vanity...but taking care of ourselves.
So, these are the things that are on my heart concerning the simple things :0)


  1. Oh clothes I HATE shopping for those too, with having 3 baby back to back I have extra "pouch" around the belly and seams nothing fit good :-( do for the gap of a 2 piece outfit does not cover, I just decided that dresses for my figure right now would me the most modest and i'm more comfortable in !

  2. Yes, it's hard to find clothing for mama's who have had babies, and don't want to dress like a scantily clad modern teenager!

    I "feel" the best in long skirts, and would prefer to wear only those, yet I wear pants, as well. I am trying to build my long skirt wardrobe so that I can wear them all the time if I want. The pants I have are modest and very pretty and feminine, as well.

    I just get a couple of staples new, usually, and then the rest I find used. I used to love shopping for clothes new, and its OK with me when it's for one specific thing like a special dress or something..but to go and try to find clothes new with the prices and modesty/femininity issue..ugh! I sympathize.

  3. Oh and I wanted to say (sorry for double posting) that I also had some back to back babies. My first left me all stretched out and gross feeling since I had steroids and went from a very tiny weight at the time, to over 200 lbs at 7 month delivery. Then I had Will and Emma 12 months apart, and then Abby another 20 months later..then I had Henry and Oliver 15 months apart..so it's not easy on the belly...I think skirts tend to play down that flaw in me a bit better!

  4. I am not one to go clothing shopping for myself. I hate it. Not because I can't find cute things but just because I hate shopping, period. Plus, I have to admit, I too am trying to find my girly side!! Having 9 daughters does help but I'm still not totally there yet. As a former US Army soldier, tomboy,sports fanatic, motorcycle riding, gun toting gal I'm having a hard time switching over the girl side. I try, try, try though for the sake of my own girls because I really want feminine looking and acting daughters but its hard!!

  5. Kim,

    I'm not a fan of clothes shopping either. I do enjoy it on occassion, but not always. Like you mentioned, it's very difficult to find something modest and feminine in the stores these days. I think this is one of the reasons why I don't like to shop for clothes so much anymore.

    I like how you are raising your daughters to like being girls. This is a good thing. I think that too many girls grow-up thinking that being "girly" is bad. This is quite sad, indeed.

    Lastly, thank you for giving us the update on your son. I sure hope that he gets better soon.


