Thursday, March 24, 2011

Today's Thoughts

Today I am thinking and learning much...also a few things to watch out for!
1. Thought: Blue painter's tape is NOT my friend....AT ALL!

2. Thought: Maybe home improvements should be left to my

3: Learning: We watched a video about astronauts and space ships!

4: Watch Out: We learned that to get to space the astronausts wear adult diapers....I made a mental note to hide ALL Pull-Ups!

5: Watch Out: There has already been talk of getting bikes to go fast like a rocket...

6: Learning: I need to always have Band-Aides on hand...this could get messy! LOL

Have a blessed day! Hope you are learning much & loving much along the way!! :)


  1. Thanks for following my blog ♥ It was fun to browse your blog this morning as well! Have a BlEsSeD day ~ Kelsey

  2. Hi Kim! I came here from Renee Stam's blog, and I thought I would leave a comment. I never knew about the astronauts wearing diapers thing, but I guess it makes sense. Now I feel even more confirmed in my decision not to pursue being an astronaut. Just kidding. :)

  3. Kim,

    This was a fun post. I hope that you make another one in the near future.

    The bit about the astronauts was kind of . . . well, odd, but like Anna said, it makes sense. I'll leave it at that, tee hee. :)

    Oh, I LOL when I read about the painters tape. :)


  4. Yup, I know, I was a bit uncomfortable about the diaper thing...but ya know, when you have a house full of littles..."bathroom" talk is not out of the least in this strange family! LOL
