Sunday, January 11, 2009

First time!!

Hello to you all!! This is my very first time in "Blog Land" :) So, we shall see how it goes!
I guess in this blog I would like to share things about my life...homeschooling, foster care, my family, hobbies, my hubby...and anything else that might come up. I would love to hear what you all feel free to comment!!

I am a homeschooling mom of 2 of my own kids and foster mom to 3 others. We are a christian family who loves and grows in the Lord. I am married to a great guy and have been for almost 10 years....we have been through a lot of hard times, but as of the last 6 or 7 years, things have been GREAT!
My kiddos and the cousins are all out sledding, but I hear some of them that it's for now!

In His Service,

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