Monday, December 20, 2010

It's Right

I always feel like we take up too much room, are too loud, and bug others when we go out in our town. Our town is very small and the places we go are pretty small. I always feel like we are a side show as there don't seem to be many large families around. Honestly, I don't know anyone else with 7 living of my friends has 7, but only 6 are living...and 2 of those are grown and married...I have another friend with 5, and a few with 4...I'm sure there are large families in the area, just none that I know of. Anyway... I always feel like we are taking up too much space so to speak...and am on edge when we are out. Rob took us to one of our favorite places to eat after church on Sunday as a surprise! And this time...just like every other time...God helped me see things clearly! (Almost) every time we go out, people ask us questions about our size...EVERYTIME....I honestly think I can count on one hand the times that it didn't come up! In small towns, people talk to's neat :0) Sometimes I get sick of it, but then God gets a hold of me...and lets me know that these are the PERFECT times to bring glory to Him with my words. Yesterday at the restaurant two different families came up to us to talk to us about our kids! They both complimented their behavior and one lady even came right out and said..."I'll bet they are home schooled"....I was floored...and checking to see if they indeed looked really dorky or something that would make them stick out....then again...God said "HEY!!!"....this lady said that because they were an example for Christ...sitting there...big ones with little ones...all mixed together...It was so neat to get to speak of my Lord to people....people who wanted to talk to us because we look different....maybe it's not just the size...maybe they see us as approachable...maybe they can see the Light of Christ in our family?? I will always, from this day forward, thank God for those moments!


  1. Praise God, His plan is perfect and yes your family size was indeed in His plan :-)

  2. Amen. Definitely testifying of Christ with your family.

    We were all out and about and one person thought that we were homeschoolers because my girls have long hair. Ever heard that one before? This was my first!!
