Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I really do think I have the best hubby ever! We are struggling greatly with one of our adopted children...she is grieving her lost family, and is acting out in a BIG way! Rob and I have been praying and trying to do what is best for her...it feels like we are living in a whirlwind...I don't know how else to describe it...the days fly by...everything is rushed as we are trying to deal with my heartbroken child. Yesterday, my loving man was the perfect picture of romance. I am always teaching my girls about real romance, as I DO NOT believe in the ushy-gushy romance...it's not real life...I feel a woman will never find contentment in her marriage if she holds a real guy up to the expectations she reads about or sees in movies...it's not REAL! Some people have told me that I am crushing girlhood dreams by teaching this to my girls...I don't agree. Life is not ushy-gushy...mine is full of dirty diapers, dirty dishes, runny noses, and smelly animals! That's not ushy-gushy...and after having all of that....all day....I don't even want ushy-gushy! Back to my point...about my amazing husband...When he got home from work, I needed to run to the post office and then to a friends house..quickly. He ended up calling me at my friends house (he tried my cell..twice... I left it in the van, he hates that) to see if I was OK...I told him I was and we were just visiting...he told me to take my time and he would fix dinner and to stay and eat dinner with my friend and her family. Of course, I didn't...I rushed home with a full heart and made my family dinner. Then after dinner, we played with the kids, I bathed them all and tucked them in...then my oldest foster daughter called..I talked to her for a long time...my husband waits...patiently...on the couch, even though he had a plan for me...he waited...patiently. That's true love. After my phone call, he put my coat on me...wrapped a prayer shawl around my head and neck to keep me warm...he asked me to put on my chore boots ( they are SMELLY) and gave me ONE glove. Take a minute to picture this...here I am...an ugly green chore coat, a prayer shawl around my head...poopy boots, and one glove. This is not ushy-gushy, but my heart has melted at this point. He takes me outside, and he also has just one glove on...he holds my ungloved hand in his coat pocket with his ungloved hand...and takes me on a walk in our pasture. He ministers to me...shares his heart for God, shares with me what and where he feels God is leading him to teach/train me...he is so gentle and soft with me and his correction. I love this man and would follow him anywhere. This is true romance. another mental picture, just for those who may still think romance only happens in the bedroom, or some spectacular ushy-gushy way...here we are...two exhausted parents, in chore gear, smelly...because of chore gear, in a poopy pasture...and the only smooching going on was from big, slobbery, animal noses! Marriage is such a blessing and a joy...I can't believe I get to be with my husband until I (or he) dies to go be with the Lord...I love this man!

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